Monday, September 28, 2015

Day #14: 10% Happier

Newest Read

My newest read in pursuit of the how-to-happiness arrived today.  This book was recommended by my FLOW-based-productivity co-conspirator and brother, Todd McLees.  I have become increasingly conscious of training my brain and heart to become happier over the past 1.5 years.  I am thankful for the seedling of inspiration that was planted as I pondered the subject for my webinar through Hay House Publishing in the summer of 2014.  During that broadcast I presented the concept of FLOW, right brain vs. left brain activity, engagement of the parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system, and values-based living.  Currently my goals have been redirected towards integrating the principles of Positive Psychology (who knew there was such a science - I didn't!) into the health and well-being of our U.S. Veterans.  That said, one cannot escape the persistent self-reflection that naturally flows out of the reading and self-integration of this material.  The Values-Based Living Blog has also grown from that experience, as self-exploration and understanding is a mighty teaching tool.  A book review to follow...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day #13: Running like a Fox

Eli running like a Fox

Eli, our 3-year-old grandson, ran his first ¼ mile zoo marathon today in Madison, WI.  An excellent idea to engage the kids in goal-oriented physical activity this early in life.  Papa and I weren't there in body, but thankful photos and Skype interface were available later in the day.  Technology makes the 1200 mile separation a little easier.  Computer hugs!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day #8: Weekday Sunrise

Morning in Tampa

I experience this beautiful setting every weekday morning.  
I park my car and walk three blocks to the clinic amidst the peace and quiet of a new day.  
It's another day to make a difference.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Day #7: Sea Glass

Sea Glass of Cape Charles, Virginia - Mermaids Tears

The serenity of this image 
harkens to the wispy memories 
of our peaceful strolls 
along the beach 
where the wind whistles, 
the water ebbs and flows 
and the seabirds graze.   
To just be.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day #6: My Creative Space

My Creative Space

The picture of Jesus sitting atop Mount Olive hangs over my desk.  It is the very same print that hung over the bed I slept in as a child at my maternal grandparent's home. It promotes the same internal peace now as it did then - this very calm and kind spirit is watching over me. 

Day #5: East Beach

East Beach Neighborhood of Norfolk, VA

East Beach Area of Norfolk, VA has been beautifully developed. So happy to see after the disruption with the recent economic downturn. Love the facade of this home: subtle sea-sky gray siding, crisp white trim and rugged dark wood door presenting a stately entrance. The tree-lined street lends comfort and elegance. I felt that pang of re-birthed  yearning for the beauty and serenity of the Atlantic coastline in its presence. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Day #4: Kids and Grandkids

Nani, Papa and Finn

Nothing is more beautiful than spending time with our children and grandchildren. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day #3: Shanty Sunset

The Shanty Sunset

The Shanty of Cape Charles, VA is a seafood joint that offers tasty bites and amazing views of the Chesapeake Bay.  R-O-Y-G-B-I-V was witnessed tonight emerging from the horizon of the setting sun.  The atmosphere on the outdoor deck was lightened with jazz overhead, the rustling of sea grass, and laughter flowing through the screened windows.  It's lovely to revel in this space once again.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day #2: The Beauty of Mount Vernon

The Gardens of Mount Vernon
We visited Mount Vernon today, the estate of George and Martha Washington.  Nestled on the Potomac River, President Washington wrote that "no estate in the United America is more pleasantly situated."  This could very well still be true.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence: Day #1

I have taken many, many interest surveys throughout the years.  Of late, the most revealing have been those that explore my personal values and strengths.   Values-based experiences increase happiness, well-being and overall health.  Strengths are simply "values in action".  My number one value according to the VIA (Values in Action) Survey: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence.  I have decided that my 53rd year will be recorded with photos of something beautiful and/or excellent every day.  Therefore, I will post a picture every day for 365 consecutive days...a sort of gratitude journal.  Here we go...

Young Girl Reading c. 1770

The Reader (French: La Liseuse) is an 18th-century oil painting by Jean-Honore Fragonard.  We had the privilege of visiting the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC today where this painting has hung since 1961.  This was a very telling work of art for its time as 19th century women were discouraged from becoming educated, when reading was considered "unwomanly".